with Vihra Shopova
Welcome to a world where movement is a tool for self-reflection, connection and emotional release.

Embodied Dance and Movement with Vihra Shopova is a dance therapy practice using dance for healing and emotional release.

Hi, I'm Vihra and I've been a mover my whole life. Coming from a family of professional athletes I've done countless sports growing up. Later on I found my home in the artistic world gathering over 10 years experience in dance (hip hop, ballet, contemporary dance, dance theatre)

As cliche as it sounds, movement is my medicine and the medicine I teach others. I found my strength in using movement as a tool for inner exploration and self-discovery. I've developed my own method of diverse practices that help people feel freedom, joy and trust in their body and in others.
These 2 short films I've directed explain perfectly my understanding and mission with dance.
inner chatter | Short Dance Film
Each of us has experienced the definition of "inner chatter" These are the relentless thoughts of fear, doubt, insecurity, pain, sadness and disappointment ... "inner chatter" is a short dance film about fighting our own thoughts and finding our way despite fear and doubt. It aims to show our connection in this battle through movement and dance.
emergency exit | Dance Phylosophy
"emergency exit" is a short dance film about the escape from the noise and the heaviness of everyday life through dance, movement and connection with others. It shows the 3 main pillars of my work - freedom of expression, connection and emotions.
Here's how we can move together!
Great for: beginners
I organise workshops and movement retreats on a regular basis. My intention is to bring movement as much as I can in nature and create longer-lasting experiences. All classes are open for beginners.
Great for: teams
Movement can be a great tool to enhance trust and collaboration between coworkers, friends and even family members. I create personalised experiences for teams open for new ways of connection.
Great for: beginners + advanced dancers
If you want to work individually on your connection with your body, your creative expression or emotional release, then I'll be happy to work closely with you in a 1:1 private setting for a single or long-term process.
If you want to stay up-to-date with upcoming classes, workshops and events, don't hesitate to join my private FB group where I share more about upcoming events and practices.
Here are the 4 main pillars of my dance and movement approach.
    Seeing your body and the idea of dance from a curious, childlike perspective is a key element in my classes. While we grow up we develop a sense of shame, insecurity and fear. Having a not-so-serious approach and setting a non-competitive atmosphere helps you truly enjoy the practice of dance and express in a safe and joyful way.
    Our body can be a creative tool. Throughout our life we develop certain patterns when it comes to movement. Breaking what we know and finding new ways of movement, dance and expression that feel authentic is key to my practice. Adding other forms of art and working interdisciplinary is one of the approaches I use to enhance creativity.
    Meeting the other without words but through movement, touch and eye contact can be so vulnerable. In my classes I create a safe space to welcome this connection and become mirrors to one another.
    The body is a vessel for so many memories, emotions and stories. Movement and dance can serve as a therapeutic process of release. Without thinking and analysing but through feeling we can express and transform our emotional world.
(7-10th September)
Join me for a 4-day movement retreat in Chillhouse Bakyovo (Bulgaria) in September. We'll use different movement practices and playful exercises to connect to our bodies to one another and our emotions.
INSIDE OUT is a 2-hour workshop on dance improvisation and storytelling, in which we take a closer look and get to know our personal movement style and learn new techniques for improvisation and conveying emotions and stories through the body.

The workshop is divided in two parts. In the first part, the participants get to know and explore their own way and language of movement (no matter what dance style they are practicing), and in the second part, they connect with their emotional world, which we will find how to release through the body (storytelling).

A 90min
Embodied Movement & Dance
Абонирай се за месечни новини, помощни материали и информация за бъдещи събития с мен из София и страната. Често ми се случва да пътувам и да създавам спотанни събития, а информацията в социалните мрежи често зависи от алгоритми, за да достигне до проавилните хора. За това създадох това място, за да си сигурен/сигурна, че ще разбереш за следащите практики!
  • ''За мен беше изключително освобождаващо. Успях тотално да заровя подсъзнателните си граници и рамки и тялото ми успя да направи движения, които никога не съм си мислила, че може да прави.''
  • ''Бях доста притеснена, че тези практики ще ме накарат да се чувствам некомфортно или ще изискват от мен да правя неща, които не бих искала, но с изненада осъзнах, че не е така или поне не до някаква неприятна степен. Хареса ми го, когато с последния партньор разшифровахме историите си с танц, дори да не бяха перфектно разбрани, можеха да дадат insight за нещо по-генерално, което излъчваме или през което преминаваме.''
  • ''За мен това е абсолютна терапия. Всеки път откривам нови неща за себе си, рачупвам вътрешни граници и най-красивото е, че в този процес не съм сама, а другите са моето огледало. Страхотно е!''
Hit me up for collaborations, podcast invites, keynote speaking gigs or any other requests!
Hit me up for collaborations, podcast invites, keynote speaking gigs or any other requests!