About Me
Vihra [ˈvɪ-chr-ah]
whirlwind; a tall, spinning column of air that moves across the surface of the land or sea

Vihra Shopova Coach Authentic Life Design Brand Therapy

Hi, I'm Vihra!

I'm a Life Design & Authenticity Coach. I created Authentic Life Design to bring more people closer to their authentic self and give them the tools, support and skillset to design a fulfilling work life.

I'm fully equipped with a multi-disciplinary background which includes Marketing and Communications, Project Management, Online Business Management and Design Thinking.
Social Media & Content Creation
My Background & Professional Experience
Marketing & Brand Communications
Design Thinking
Project Management
Workshop &
Event Facilitation
Coaching & Personal Development
A Story of a
Multi-disciplinary Girl
''What do you do for living?'' has been the hardest question for me. I've always struggled with keeping myself in one single professional field. I strongly believe that multi-disciplinarity is the biggest advantage in the world we live in and allows us to bring innovation and creative thinking in every industry.
So, apart from what my LinkedIn Profile says about me I'm a dance artist, an outdoor-gal, a good listener to my friends and a connecting point for my family. Due to Astrology I'm a Pieces with Sagittarius rising. According to the 16 Personalities Test I'm The Campaigner, but really...
I'm just a curious girl who is obsessed with self-exploration and expression, who likes equally all of these roles and wishes for more people to give expression to their truest self, and not put themselves into boxes.
Knowing who you are and living it fully. Authenticity is staying true to yourself in the choices that you make and the words that you speak everyday. It takes honesty and bravery to face who you truly are and to show it to a world.
To me vulnerability is full emotional exposure. It's the ability to express how you feel both in the good and the hard moments. The ability to open up and say: ''That hurt me'', or sometimes ''I love you'' first. It's what gives colour to our life and what connects us as human beings.
We don't know how long I we'll be on this planet, so I don't want to have important things unsaid or left not done. One day, I want to look back and know that I don't regret anything and I haven't postponed a thing for ''the right time''. That I've done my failings, my heartbreaks and I've lived fully.
Honesty & Authenticity
No Regrets Mindset
I truly believe that happiness is a choice each and everyone of us makes on a daily basis. It's the way you choose to see the world and the people you surround yourself with. What we focus our attention on - multiplies. So, choose wisely.
Life is in constant change, so we need to learn to be flexible - in our thinking and way of living. Freedom to me means to be open to change and embrace every new phase of your life with curiosity. It's having the bravery to change directions and follow your interests and pulls.
One of the things I value most in people is allowing yourself to think and do differently. And this is what creativity really means for me. To combine and develop the impressions you've gathered from this world and express them through your unique point of view.
Positive & Optimistic View on The World
Freedom & Change
Creativity & Self Expression
My Values
In my life I've figured out that there are 6 core beliefs and understandings that make me who I am and shape they way I live, the way I see the world and make choices.
What My Clients Say About Me
My Other Projects
Life Design Circle
Life Design Circle is a membership-based community and a collaborative workshop program which guide, encourage and inspire people to actively design a well-balanced life, creating it true to their authentic self and living it fully.

Learn more here
Windy Moves
Windy Moves is the place for all my projects and pieces as a Dancer and Movement Artist. Movement is a type of therapy for me, helping me process emotions and heal. I use it as storytelling and tool to connect with others.

Check out my Instagram
The Authentic Life Design Newsletter
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